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Poppy Seeds


25.002,200.00 incl. GST

Poppy Seeds

Poppy seed has been a part of Indian cooking for centuries. The nutty flavour and subtle aroma has caressed many an Indian kitchen over time. Ask any Bengali and they would give you a list of delicacies that they would lay their lives down for which are made off or with poppy seeds.


Poppy seeds have been used as home medication for reasons like insomnia to good vision. They are also know to cure and prevent kidney stones. They are the basis of many a traditional remedy in many asian and middle eastern cultures.
Poppy seeds are also used for baking to garnish bread and bagels. They are used in salads too.
Poppy seeds are particularly rich in manganese, a trace element important for bone health. This mineral also helps your body utilise other vitamins and minerals.

It is also commonly called as Khas Khasa in India.

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Weight N/A

10 grams, 50 grams, 100 grams, 250 grams, 500 grams, 1000 grams

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